tips to boost digital marketing career

Tips To Boost Digital Marketing Career: 23+ Expert Bloggers Share Their Secrets

That’s exactly the period that digital marketing is undergoing these days. And, this would be the perfect time to get started with your career in digital marketing. Being a part of this industry is a great sign that you are on the right track. You have made a perfect choice of learning digital marketing and claim the most career job opportunities.

SEO, the great realms of digital marketing is getting viral among the people. You don’t require to be technically strong to master in SEO or digital marketing. If you are getting a kick off with digital marketing field, then this roundup post would be the best resource to boost your career.

Digital marketing has already invaded into the business world, immensely. No business can prove its growth ignoring the internet marketing benefits. There are wide opportunities prevailing for digital marketing experts. If you a creative interest, then go with web designing, if you are a born writer, go as blogger and content promotions. Likewise, you can swim over the digital marketing arsenal.

If you are somehow baffled how to lead a successful career in digital marketing, you have landed in the right place.

Here you go for the SEO, blogging and digital marketing expert’s tips to boost your career in digital marketing.

Question: Tips To Boost Digital Marketing Career.

1) Manidipa Bhaumik – Wp Blogging 360

The digital marketing area is booming like never before, and it seems that this will overshadow the traditional marketing methods within a short period.

With the growing need of companies wanting a strong digital presence, the need for skilled digital marketers has also multiplied. However, not everyone who just wishes to get a job can start a career in this field. If you want to boost your career in digital marketing, you must keep few things in mind:

Get yourself certified with some top digital marketing courses. Till now, no official degree is provided in this field. However, some digital marketing institutes offer an overall exposure to the subject. Take the one that suits your need.

Always keep yourself updated with the latest digital trends. You can do so by following the top digital marketing/ SEO blogs. Also, keep track of the latest Google and Facebook algorithm changes.

Don’t forget to connect with the digital influencers and build a rapport with them. They can help you in every field of your digital career, whenever you are stuck with something. Influencers can also help you get much-needed exposure in the field of digital marketing.

Digital marketing is a vast industry. You may be an expert in one field like SEO or social media, but try to have an overall idea on the other vertices as well. The attitude towards continuous learning and adapting to the changes gives you an edge over others in this field.

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2) Nirmala Santhakumar – Info Buzzy

Even though I don’t have any great experience in Digital Marketing, but I can tell you some simple valid tips that would tweak your career.

1. First be prepared to learn the new things and stay yourself updated with the latest web marketing trends.
2. If you get the chances to attend the Workshops and presentations, don’t miss them. Take part in the meet-ups and network with other internet marketing enthusiasts.
3. Start your own projects to test your knowledge about Keyword Research, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, SEO, UX, SEM, and PPC.
4. Don’t forget to build your personal brand because it matters a lot when it comes to Online Career.
5. Complete the digital marketing course from a reputed institute and get the certification.

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#3) Minuca – Minuca Elena

There are numerous ways to earn money online. You can have affiliate sites, an E commerce Training business or offer digital services to clients, like SEO or web design. No matter what method you choose, your first step should be to focus on growing and ranking your site.

I know you’ve heard many times that to be successful you have to publish great content. Although this is true, it’s only a small part from everything you need to do. Although, there are many ways of getting traffic to your site and potential clients (social media, email marketing, paid ads, etc.) your main focus should be on SEO Training.

For you to get success for a long-term, you should focus on white hat SEO. You may be tempted to use “clever tricks” to cheat Google, but that will get your site penalized, sooner or later.

Publish high-quality content that will educate your readers and provide value. After that, focus on getting backlinks to your site. Link building is the most important SEO skill you need because backlinks are one of the top three ranking factors.

Getting traffic to your site is not enough. You must convert those visitors into paid customers for your products and services.

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#4) Himanshu Gupta – Blog Rags

I think if you want to boost your career in digital marketing it’s imperative to learn every day. Things change very quickly in digital marketing, so it’s important to keep learning. This could be through following authority blogs in your niche or listening to podcasts. Also, taking risks and improvising is very important to keep up with the community.

The most important thing is to try new strategies. You might fail in the first attempt, but that’s okay. It will help you learn it better. Implementing new ideas is also very crucial in growing oneself as a marketer.

Always, keep a check on the ROI you’re getting with your actions. This might be brand awareness, engagement or lead generation.

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#5) Robin Khokhar – Tricky Enough

“There may be many things people doing online to Boost career in digital marketing, but one of the best thing which I consider is trying different things/tests to get on. But the things which have helped to grow as a digital marketer are:

  1. Building a personal brand or Brand for company
  2. Building a Brand name helps people to recognize you, and it becomes a trust factor for you. People trust you and which results in good leads.
  3. Sticking to the new trends
  4. Our world is evolving every day, and new technologies are introduced along with the new methods. So sticking to the new trends is a good idea.
  5. Working along with a good team
  6. Your team members should be able to understand quickly and respond to it.
  7. Always trying new things which sometimes don’t work and sometimes do miracles. Working along with a good team

If you are trying new things, there will always be a probability whether the method will work or not. But If that new works it can help your business or your clients business to grow.”

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#6) Jane Sheeba – Savvy Blogging Tips

First, to even sustain with digital marketing, one must catch hold of content marketing tightly. You need writing skills, no matter what kind of content you are putting forth (audio, video, text blog posts, etc.).

Second, don’t forget to catch up with the latest trends – be it the topics you discuss on your website or the methodologies you follow to do the actual “marketing,” be it old school doesn’t help.

Not just that, it will make you look like an outdated marketer to the whole world! After all, it is digital marketing, and people love to stay up-to-date not just with the information they wish to see but also the way in which they find and consume that information.

Third, invest time to research your target market and your target audience. Without proper knowledge about who your competitors are, how big your market is, how challenging it is to excel in your field, and whom you are going to serve, it is nearly impossible to make it (or even survive).

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#7) Anh Nguyen – Blogging Thing

“Digital marketing is ultimately about connecting with others in a meaningful way — whether it be with your target audience or your peers.

When I first started, making new friends has been the most fun and rewarding thing. While it’s definitively scary to reach out to prominent figures in your industry,

I’m sure you’ll be surprised to find — like it does — that they are just as open to getting to know new folks as you are.

Connecting with others is the single most important thing that boosted my career to where it is today, as well as giving me the chance to share my knowledge on awesome sites such as The Huffington Post.

So get out there, show yourself, be generous; make new friends. Soon enough, you’ll be awed by how far that’ll take you. :)”

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#8) Zac Johnson – Blogging

Without a doubt, I would say that everyone should have a website or blog to grow their career. It’s way too cheap and easy to get a domain name (preferably of your name), set up a low cost hosting account, and then going live with a WordPress blog. You can make this site about pretty much anything, but it should be on your career and expertise if you want to use it for branding.

After your site is live, you should then link back to it from all of your social profiles. This will drastically help with ranking higher in the search results. With some time and effort, you may find that all of your social profiles and your new site are ranking on the first page of Google for your name. This is something I recommend everyone follow, as it’s a great way to brand yourself and also protect your reputation in the process.

Depending on your career or expertise, you can also build a portfolio and resume of the best work on your blog. This will help with gaining any new clients or work. Also be sure to showcase any testimonials you have as well.

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#9) Nisha Pandey – Tech Worth

My first tip would be to keep learning in the digital marketing area you want to excel. Your experience is certainly an asset, but professional courses play an important role in giving you exposure to new technologies, innovations, and methodologies in your field.

Another important tip is to create your own blog. It is going to help enhance both your portfolio and career. It is also important to keep building your network. Social media proves to be an excellent platform for connecting with more people with similar interests, including your target audience.

I would also suggest attending offline and online events to build your network.

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#10) Akshay Hallur – Go Blogging Tips

Be a student for the lifetime:

Digital Marketing is an ever-changing industry. You need to be a student for life to survive in this competitive space. You need to upgrade your key skill sets and also get your hands on the latest trends in Digital Marketing. If you fail to upgrade yourself and keep up with the tech growth, you’ll be left behind. This is one of the best tips that anyone can give regarding boosting your career in Digital Marketing or any other field.

Have a portfolio website: If you are a Digital Marketing job seeker, consultant, agency owner, or freelancer, having your own personal-brand website where you present your skillsets, case studies, learnings, and your work is very important. Having a portfolio website increases the chances of you getting a Digital Marketing job, get more clients, and close more sales. Working on your personal brand is very important.

Invest in self-education: Investment in quality education is overlooked by many newbies. But trust me, if you want to keep up with the pace this industry is growing, you need invest in quality courses, mentors, that help you lift you up vertically with the tech growth and prevent you from committing mistakes that cost your time and miss this golden age. Life’s too short to learn everything on your own. Learn from people who are 2-5 steps above you as they can guide you contextually as they’ve been there.

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#11) Manoj – Blogging Triggers

As we all know, the internet has become the largest marketing place for any product or service. No business can survive without properly promoting their items via social media, advertisements, and email. The digital marketing industry is growing fast, and at present, demands are high for the efficient marketers who know the promotional strategies thoroughly.

If you want to become a successful digital marketer, follow these tips.

Know what’s going on around you. Learn new technology trends, apps and others that matter you. Keep updated with the latest changes in the industry.

Find people who are engaged in digital marketing. Follow, interact and build a strong relationship with them. It is another way of learning which will boost your career.

Self-learning is always best. Start a blog on your favorite topic. Promote your blog using what you learned from the own marketing experiences and courses. Polish your knowledge and redesign the strategies based on the results you get.

Build own brand. Develop an own brand for your promotional activities. Design a logo and use customized social media cover images to spread awareness about your job.

Monitor analytics. Several marketing tools provide in-depth analytics of your campaigns. Check the reports and do necessary modifications in your projects to maximize the user engagements and sales.

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#12) Anil Agarwal – Bloggers Passion

Digital marketing is a booming career, and it’s growing at a rapid pace so if you’re someone who’s looking to make thousands of dollars every month online, this should be the best fit.

Just make sure to learn the skills like marketing, SEO, email marketing, etc. if you really want to succeed in digital marketing. That said being, here are few quick tips to boost your career as a digital marketer.

Learn to work for free in the beginning. Find a blogger or influencer in your industry and start working with him for free in the beginning so you can learn a lot from them. You can create content, help with SEO, building links and so on to build rapport with top bloggers in your industry.

Read a ton of books. If you don’t prefer reading books, listen to audio books and find at least one mentor online to learn something every single day. Learning about marketing should be your top priority if you want to boost your career in digital marketing.

Do competitor analysis. Find out what’s working well for your competitors. Consistently, if they are doing something be it SEO, Facebook marketing or niche sites, you should give a try too. Make sure to try many things and often fail so you can succeed in the long run. Also, invest in proper SEO tools as they help you easily get more traffic and sales to your sites.

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#13) Adam Connell – Blogging Wizard

To have a valued qualification, you can do digital marketing is one thing.

But what matters more than anything is proving it.

The easiest way to do this is to start a project of your own. Market it and use that as a case study for employers.

This will put you ahead of 90% of digital marketers.

The project you choose can be anything. Ideally, it would be based around the job you’re trying to get – so having an idea of your ideal job role and potential employers is important.

You could hire a developer to make a basic tool that can be embedded on a single webpage and market that. Or you could start a blog – the options are endless. Just be sure to document as much as possible.

Once you’ve completed the project, you could write up your case study and publish it. If you don’t have a blog at that point, use Medium. Then promote that case study as much as possible (especially to potential employers) – you’ll be surprised at the opportunities that could present themselves.

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#14) Sunny Kumar – The Guide X

“In digital marketing, try the trial and error method, experiment, and you will get the results. Don’t just read others but experiment yourself and learn more because the world of digital marketing is huge and it is evolving every minute, so you need to be updated.

Another thing you need to focus on is that you should always try to provide value. That will help you in the long run. You should definitely avoid Black Hat techniques in SEO because Google is smarter than you, you can’t fool Google for long so don’t even try to.

While link building, you should always go for relevant backlinks for your niche as it is more profitable than ten irrelevant backlinks. So just keep your work ethics straight.”

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#15) Marcus Miller – Bowler Hat

My advice to anyone looking to further their career in digital marketing is to get a perfect handle on the marketing fundamentals. So many digital marketers understand technical elements of digital marketing yet can’t write copy or put an advert together. Get an understanding of the basic principles, and then you can be successful on any platform.

would recommend that you read some classic marketing books. Really we want to cover a range of topics here, so we want books covering strategy, advertising and much more. A few I would recommend getting you started are Positioning, Guerilla Marketing, SOSTAC & The 22 Immutable Laws of Advertising. These are some great books to get you started and round out your digital marketing technical knowledge with some excellent marketing smarts.

Another tip and a path I have followed is to spend time learning SEO and organic search. This channel is tougher than most to master as simply getting exposure is tough – which can be purchased on the regular ad channels. However, if you can master organic search, it provides a quality of traffic that most other channels simply can’t compete with.

Work hard. Read as much as possible. Practice. Learn from your mistakes. Put all this into action, and you will be a digital marketing guru in no time.

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#16) Justin Morgan – Dental Marketing Guy

My top career-boosting tip is to specialize in a particular industry. When you know the industry well, you can make judgment calls on what works best in an efficient manner.

I focus on dentistry, and this allows me to make effective marketing decisions. If you focus on just one industry, you’ll succeed much faster than by being a generalist.

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#17) Janice Wald – Mostly Blogging

It is easy to have a career in digital marketing if you are skilled in search engine optimization.

People pay a great deal of money to SEO agencies to optimize their posts for them.

Companies need Internet marketing (electronic marketing) specialist.

A career in digital marketing takes an understanding of marketing as well as SEO.

Learn how to answer these marketing questions for brands:

Do you know who your target customer is?

Do you know your target audience’s pain points?

Do you know what products or services your target audience needs to solve their pain points?

Do you know how to make those products or services different from your competitors’ products or services? is a free tool that actually allows you to see your competitors’ ads. Once you see them, you can emulate and improve on them.

Learn these SEO skills:

Do you know how to find rankable keywords in the SERPs?

Do you know how to optimize your content?

Do you know how to build links to your content?

Do you know how to boost your website’s speed?

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#18) Abhishek Jain – Rusty Blogger

The best way to boost a career in digital marketing is to learn more and more and move ahead in the latest digital trends. You must follow people like John Mueller on Twitter at @JohnMu who is Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google.

You can get to know about the latest activities, updates, and happenings prevailing in the search engine world.

By this, you can be a step ahead and try the new things before anyone else does. This will automatically help you to grow your value in the industry and ultimately will give you a boost in your digital marketing career.

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#19) Donna Merrill – Donna Merrill Tribe

“Tips to Boost Career in Digital Marketing”

I use digital marketing in my blogging business all the time.

To boost your career in this field, I think two things are most critical.

1. You need to know the latest trends.

You need to know what’s working on different social media platforms, and how to lock-in to their potential.

2. Most of all, you need to look for core messages to deliver.

Every digital marketing campaign must revolve around a core message.

Too many companies send out random messages about different things.

All digital outreaches should revolve around one single message that a company is trying to deliver.

That’s how they build a recognizable and trustworthy brand.

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#20) Christian Lee – 3 Hundrd

My best advice for boosting a career in digital marketing is to find mentorship type jobs where you can go in and study the industry from the bottom up.

You need to understand what it takes to build up a campaign, and you need to understand how to create a campaign from scratch.

It also would not hurt to have some of your own side-projects working as well, I believe the best way to learn is by practice and companies would surely appreciate your determination and “experience.”

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#21) Philip Varghese ‘ Ariel’ – Pvariel

There are many digital marketing strategies out there to get involved and to lead progress in your business.  But sad to note that the strategy which you applied last year and succeeded may not work this year as many new forms or trends are developing every other day.

No doubt, the new developments provide better opportunities for brands to engage and interact with the market differently.

Getting accustomed with the customer experience and then having a better or close personalized engagement is the key here.  So then involve or move with the latest trends.

According to the latest survey in the US, consumers spend an average of 5.6 hours a day on their smart phones. An average person checks social media and other sites 15 to 20 times a day.  This is indeed a wonderful area where brands can get involved to get the attention of consumers.  Google termed it “Micro-moments is new consumer behavior.”

Whatever new changes emerge, no doubt social media stories can still play a vital role in digital marketing. Platforms like Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram YouTube, etc. are still relevant and can be a great use for digital marketing.  So the intelligent marketers can continue to utilize the vast area of social media in propagating their products.

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#22) Santanu – Blogging Joy

Digital marketing has created huge career options in India. With the evolution of the internet, almost everyone is accessing it to search for something. And that’s where the majority of people are spending time, which creates a huge market for companies to promote their products online.

This industry is still not sorted properly in India. In fact, you will find any recognized course from any reputed institute or college. But every company started spending a huge amount of money to grow their brand digitally, and that’s where the demand is touching the sky.

Here are few of the tips to boost a career in digital marketing.

  • One can start with any digital marketing course shared by some professionally experienced person. If you ask me, you can check out the E-commerce training started by Satish & team.
  • Start a blog on WordPress and start writing content regularly, do SEO optimization and other activities. This is the best way to get practical exposure and gain your knowledge of digital marketing.
  • Try to connect with some influential people online, on social media and make sure you attend their events or seminars if any. This way you can increase your network and grow as a digital marketer, by learning from their experiences.
  • If you gain some knowledge and confidence, start taking some projects for free. Help them to set up a blog, improve social reach, etc.
  • Also, you need to be patient while working in this domain. Digital marketing may give you overnight results, or it may take huge time. Whatever it is, it is expected, and you will learn that with the course of time. A good digital marketer always follows best practices without targeting any timeline, as an effective digital marketing campaign generally takes time to give results.

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#23) Gaurav Kumar – E Ask Me

“The very first and most important thing to boost the career in digital marketing is by becoming a certified marketer. The Certification that helps you attract infinite projects. The Certification in digital marketing gets noticed amongst your peers in the industry. A professional qualification is a great place to start. A digital marketing certification takes you with natural talent and gives them an in-depth understanding of digital strategy.

You should also focus on building a personal brand. Personal brand means you need to become an influencer in the respective industry. You should become an expert in your niche. Becoming an influencer influence not only your employer but also influence clients. To boost your career in digital marketing, you need to open your mind and grasp everything which can help you become an influencer.”

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Truly said, you must be consistent and keen to learn stuff to glow in the digital marketing industry. However, you will never get wrong choosing SEO or digital marketing as your career path.

Digital marketing professionals are the most wanted across the globe as is it essential for every business. Improve your digital marketing skills, grow as the industry grows. With these tips, I hope you must benefit in a way or either being digital marketing interests.

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